Grace and Courage

I want to express my utmost support for Morgan Pudwell, who resigned in protest this Friday from her position as VP Sustainability and Promotions at the CSU.

I want to commend her incredible grace and courage in the face of injustice. Specifically, as a CSU councillor, her resignation letter means a lot to me; it has become increasingly difficult to speak out against the sheer incompetence, mismanagement and lack of transparency at our union.

Her bravery is an inspiration. I imagine that there is a strong possibility that other letters this week will read as petty personal attacks or attempts to damage her credibility. Students, I’m sure, will see those attacks for what they are—acts of desperation.

Concordia deserves better, Morgan is an example of what every student representative should strive to be.

—Lex Gill,
Political Science,
School of Community
and Public Affairs

This article originally appeared in Volume 31, Issue 25, published March 8, 2011.